No matter whether you're learning how to cook, re-discovering old passions, choosing healthier habits, starting a new business (or anything in between), the biggest learning challenge is often the same for everyone: INTEGRATION.
In other words; how do you become that new person who runs a successful business, does yoga consistently, or gardening, or art...or whatever else it is that you want to do?
Learning online (or offline) is one thing, but you only need to hear from the millions of people who make the same New Year's Resolution year after year to know the frustration of not being able to make lifestyle change stick.
Many people know exactly what they need to do, but actually living it is a lot more challenging...
"Human beings are works in process that mistakenly think they are finished."
- Daniel Gilbert (Social psychologist)
Learn Your Freedom is a 2-part video class by Paul F. Creedy. The focus of the class is on answering the question: 'How can you learn to live more of the life you want?' Highlights include:
The 4 stages of learning • Making and breaking habits • Creating a growth mindset • Staying motivated • Choosing goals • Finding flow • Improving your memory • And much more...
An important point to know about yourself is that you were born a natural learning expert, and you are still that today.
The psychologists that work for big media and marketing companies know this about you, and it's exactly why they can confidently get you hooked on new products and platforms (you had to learn how to use them, right?).
Since you know that you want to experience life differently in the future, what can you do to make it really happen for yourself?
The first step is to simply become aware of how you've learnt in the past, and then to use that knowledge to make short-cuts to new learning.
Once you understand how your natural learning abilities work, you'll not only understand yourself better, but you can also use that insight to learn, un-learn, and re-learn whatever is important to you now.
And the best thing is that you don't need to become a master of psychology to do it; a simple (and deeper) understanding of your goals, motivations, and habits is 80% of the puzzle.
Here's an example:

Goals can be big or small.
For example, if you had cold feet one winter's day, your goal could be to have warm toes.
If you didn't know how to make that happen, you might become very open to learn how to effectively keep your foot-fingers from freezing!
That openness and curiosity is a learning super-power, and it works incredibly well when you focus on life goals that are meaningful to you.
When you get clear about what goals you really want, your ability to deal with failure increases; you become more resilient, and your focus allows you to experience some of the most rewarding moments in life (this is what the world's most well-respected scientists say!)
If you felt that the goal of warming your feet was not so important to sure not to fall into the trap of thinking that motivation is either something you have or don't have.
What if warming your toes meant that you could concentrate fully on an important project? Or you could use what you learnt to help someone you cared about?
This is just one example, but the point is important: your motivation can be influenced in an instant by just one or two different thoughts.
Learning something new is not just about getting to a destination; it's about knowing why you want to get there in the first place; and there is always a reason!
Habits are simply short-cuts for the brain. They help you navigate life without needing to re-learn everything.
When you learn new techniques and skills (such as knitting a pair of socks for your chilly toes), you are not only practicing a new habit, but you are also increasing your self-confidence, self-belief, and your sense of personal growth (all of which feel great!).
By consciously practicing what you want to be good at, you give yourself the best chance at becoming the person you want to be.
When your regular thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are replaced with more of what you want; you can literally become the person you want to be...
"The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times...the best moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to it's limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile."
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Author of FLOW: The Psychology of Optimal Experience)
Learn what you want to learn.
Live how you want to live.
What does the class include?
Learn Your Freedom is a 2-part class:

Part #1
(30 minutes)
In the first part of the class you'll learn a little bit about psychology, key questions to ask yourself when thinking about future goals, as well as a popular way of understanding how you became you.
It has been said that learning, unlearning, and relearning will be some of the most important skills in the 21st century - by the end of Part #1, you'll be ready to use these natural capabilities to your advantage even more..
Part #2
(1 hour)
In Part #2 of Learn Your Freedom, you will look more deeply at how you can consciously direct your learning by focusing on your goals, motivations, habits, and how to learn.
You will understand about the 4 stages of learning, how to break old habits (including the 'golden rule' of habit change), and you will see how this all fits into the bigger picture of what psychologists say is the way to have the most rewarding moments in life.

Apply what you learn
With examples in health & fitness, art, languages, and other lifestyle areas, you'll see how to approach your own learning journey with more motivation, confidence, and clarity. From there, you will be able to more consciously (and automatically) direct your natural learning abilities towards experiencing more of what you want in your life.
Also included:

Break popular learning myths! This download also includes a 4-Part worksheet to help you with your goals, focus, and motivation.

Use this PDF to learn more about key topics that are covered in the class. It also includes links to learning videos and scientific research.
Let's get into it...
Once you've completed checkout, you will automatically get lifetime access to Learn Your Freedom at Re-fresh what you learn any time by watching the videos, or listening to the MP3 downloads.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
- Dennis Gabor (Nobel Prize winning physicist)